Where have I been?

So, I missed going to Tom’s River to see Chatham almost knock off undefeated Seton Hall Prep. These young men have everything to be proud of and not let that set back blemish their remarkable season. Harvey Cohen, the A.D. at Chatham has already busted my chops about not taking “the long ride” … you were right Harvey!

The site, now can be found at www.MCHSS.net is under construction. Winter is still there, but you'll see a change soon. The spring design is being created and should be ready to go by April 1. You'll find some really cool stuff on it.
I am in the process of hiring two assistant writers. One columnist is already secured. He should be able to cover two games a week for me. Once I get a second columnist, that will free up much of time to expand the site, cover more sports and give you an awesome perspective on Morris County Sports!
Some of you may be here because you want to hear what I have to say about the recent Steroids arrests. I really can’t say much. As an employee with the Hanover Park district, I must defer all questions to the administration and acting-superintendent.
I do know that I have 100% respect for the Hanover Park Football Family, their coaches and especially the kids. I have the utmost respect for Coach Gregory and the kids that work hard for him everyday. I teach these kids and have to look them in the eye, everyday - I will ALWAYS be proud of the kids I teach and the kids I coached.
Many people have jumped on the bandwagon and made this a “Hanover Park” thing. They can have their opinions. I just ask that you think twice about what you are saying and make sure you know the facts before accusing the entire team of any wrong doing. The papers have already reported misinformation. One writer has named Mr. Jim Neidhardt as the superintendent of Hanover Park. Jim Neidhardt is the Board President, representing Hanover Township. One administrator has told me that he has been grossly misquoted by a reporter. Papers also stated that volunteers do not follow the same hiring process and just get the job. This is not true. There are many more reports on non-facts that the paper will not be held accountable for. But the scar is now on the school district. We'll get through this. What about the other 13 people? Why is all the focus on HP?
People can say what they want, but there is one thing that I will say – I have been proud of the Hanover Park District from the 1st day I began working there and still do today! I am very proud of the administration and local police for doing their best to keep our school clean and our kids safe.