Friday, June 15, 2007

A focus on Drugs

This is a very touchy subject when it comes our kids … DRUGS!

Drugs have hit our schools in every shape and form and there comes a time when the only help available is a rehabilitation center.

I strongly suggest that you take a visit to see a non-profit rehab referral service. This is a smart place to when considering, looking into, our just scanning information on a drug rehab. There comes a time when we may need to find drug treatment for a friend, family, students or a loved one. The website is

Again, this is a FREE program dedicated to the life improvement of people that may have nowhere to turn.

Either way, this is an important site worth visiting. They supply the following info:

The site is filled with tons of insightful and useful information. More importantly, the goals of the organization are as follows:

"Our goal is to achieve relationships with drug rehab program providers to place in drug rehabilitation treatment those individuals suffering from drug addiction and drug abuse related issues.

We're proud of our excellent track record with drug rehabs and our compassionate, knowledgeable drug rehabilitation placement staff.

Please feel free to further explore the extensive drug addiction and drug rehabs information we offer on our site by clicking on the links.

If you or someone you know is struggling with the disease of drug addiction or alcoholism, please complete our brief online assessment form or give us a call immediately, we can help. "

** This is a paid advertisement. **

Thursday, June 14, 2007

You make the choice

Every year, kids have to choose between travel teams, AAU teams and HS. Now throw in family events, sweet 16's Proms, etc.

One thing I never messed with as a coach was God!

While searching on material to read about HS Sports, I came across this blog and article about a coach and his terms on missing practice:

Remember - THIS IS HIS VIEW, NOT MINE, I am just copying for your reading enjoyment:

From: Despising none: Joe Ball

"There is an interesting article in today's Courier Journal. A High School Volleyball player was told by her coach when she ask about missing practice to attend a national youth convention with her church, that she would "have to pick between being on the squad her senior year or going to the convention in Orlando, citing a policy in which players would be dropped from the team if they missed practice."
To read the entire article click here.

According to the article, "two other students on the team were being allowed to participate in the Governor's Scholars Program."
And that is the kicker. The student and her parents pleaded that by allowing the students to miss to attend the Governor's Scholar Program and to not allow her to miss for a religious event amounted to religious discrimination.

The lawyer for the school board said: "the coach was violating a long-established district wide policy against religious discrimination and she
advised him to reverse his decision, which he did. "

Everyday Christians have to make faith based decisions that have sometimes monumental consequences. Students are no different. And it isn't always religious discrimination when we are persecuted for our faith.

When we don't get the promotion, make the team; get invited to the party and such. It is the results of leading a Christian life. Scripture teaches this.

The religious discrimination did not occur when she choose to go to the national youth convention with her church. That was a free choices based on her faith, and the opportunities placed before her. Should the coach be accommodating, sure? But the nature of athletic competition and the demand we place on coaches to win doesn't lend itself to that. The discrimination occurs when the other students were allowed to miss for the Governor's Scholar Program and not be removed from the team.
Every year this scenario is played out on athletic teams all across Kentucky.

Students must choose between church camp and sports practice. We as youth ministers know this. That is why most of us do not schedule events for high schoolers in July. We can accommodate our students and partner with our schools and parents in this issue.

Hang in there college and real life is coming soon enough. "

Note: The above views were copy and pasted from another blog for your reading. They are only here to provoke thought, not to ensue or provoke a opinion or discussion.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

What is that "Hire me" button?

You may have noticed the PayPerPost Direct “Hire Me” button located in the left column. It’s a very simple concept and an ingenious ideas from our friends at PayPerPost. PayPerPOst is the premier and foremost authority on blogging and they ways of blog communication.

PayperPost Direct is an opportunity for myself and other bloggers to sell sponsored posts directly to advertisers, like you, The badge gives you a direct link to specify exactly what you want advertised on my blog. Since I am a very local site, dedicated to one county in New Jersey, you are obviously here because you are local reader. Remember, I am reaching about 30,000 unique users in season!

Amazingly. PayPerPost Direct is the best option offered to you and me. Other competitors, take a cuts out the massive overhead. These competitors charge 50-100% markup and keep up to half your money, PPP Direct only charges a 10% fee, 5% of which goes to transaction fees for PayPal and credit card processing. This way, I get my reward, you get your traffic and providing service gets their share. You maybe asking why they can get away with such a small fee? Easy, they are that large and productive of a company.

But here’s what PPP Direct has to offer: They encourage direct contact with advertisers. Any advertisers, such as yourself, visiting my website can purchase a review by clicking the ‘Hire me’ badge at your sidebar. There’s an ability to negotiate pricing and post details. I have set the minimum price, but if you wish to enter into discussion with me and alter the terms to meet both our needs, so be it. Back to the cost … there’s a low transaction cost. And how about the quick turnaround. You’ll get your info to me with the click of a button. I get your info up and any alterations you need, you can connect me directly. It’s as fast as an email! Not to mention that I will receive payment as soon as the you approve my review.

** This is a paid advertisement. **

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Time for a softball TOC

1 – Sectional Sites: Do not assign the Group-Sectional Final sites until the final four teams are determined, this way a central location may be easier to assign.

2 – Seed like volleyball does. No more record only, assign a points system much like the one that works so well in volleyball.

3 - Time for a TOC, lacrosse does it. Why can't softball. Softball and baseball are not the same sport. They maybe counterparts on paper, but the rules are so different that keeping softball on a baseball schedule is a shame.

Sectional Format (using 2007 as example dates)
Preliminary – by Saturday May 19
Quarterfinals – Tuesday, May 22
Semifinals – Thursday, May 24
Sectional Final – Saturday, May 26
Group Format
Group Semifinals – Tuesday, May 29
Group Finals – Saturday, June 2
Tournament of Champions
The Three-Six Seeds and Four-Five Seeds play Tuesday, June 4.
TOC Semi games Thursday June 7
TOC Championship Saturday June 9

Sectional Format (using 2007 as example dates)
Preliminary – 2nd to last Saturday in May
Quarterfinals – Last Tuesday in May
Semifinals – Last Thursday in May
Sectional Final – Last Saturday in May
Group Format
Group Semifinals – Last Tuesday in May
Group Finals – 1st Saturday in June
Tournament of Champions
The Three-Six Seeds and Four-Five Seeds: 2nd Tuesday in June
TOC Semi 2nd Thursday in June
TOC Championship 2nd Saturday in June