Wednesday, June 13, 2007

What is that "Hire me" button?

You may have noticed the PayPerPost Direct “Hire Me” button located in the left column. It’s a very simple concept and an ingenious ideas from our friends at PayPerPost. PayPerPOst is the premier and foremost authority on blogging and they ways of blog communication.

PayperPost Direct is an opportunity for myself and other bloggers to sell sponsored posts directly to advertisers, like you, The badge gives you a direct link to specify exactly what you want advertised on my blog. Since I am a very local site, dedicated to one county in New Jersey, you are obviously here because you are local reader. Remember, I am reaching about 30,000 unique users in season!

Amazingly. PayPerPost Direct is the best option offered to you and me. Other competitors, take a cuts out the massive overhead. These competitors charge 50-100% markup and keep up to half your money, PPP Direct only charges a 10% fee, 5% of which goes to transaction fees for PayPal and credit card processing. This way, I get my reward, you get your traffic and providing service gets their share. You maybe asking why they can get away with such a small fee? Easy, they are that large and productive of a company.

But here’s what PPP Direct has to offer: They encourage direct contact with advertisers. Any advertisers, such as yourself, visiting my website can purchase a review by clicking the ‘Hire me’ badge at your sidebar. There’s an ability to negotiate pricing and post details. I have set the minimum price, but if you wish to enter into discussion with me and alter the terms to meet both our needs, so be it. Back to the cost … there’s a low transaction cost. And how about the quick turnaround. You’ll get your info to me with the click of a button. I get your info up and any alterations you need, you can connect me directly. It’s as fast as an email! Not to mention that I will receive payment as soon as the you approve my review.

** This is a paid advertisement. **

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