Championship Time

The reason why most of you may be here … Joe Hofmann was nice enough again to mention me in his “A look back at this season's districts, regions” I can tell you one thing, the wrestling internet community is huge. But no one, and I mean no one, has been more important to the wrestling community as Joe has mentioned them, but this gentleman not only lists all the results for high school wrestling box scores, but also youth leagues. This guy is a savior to coaches that have to sort through their scouting reports. He’s a savior to the sports writer, but most importantly, he is a sports fan’s dream. I also thank you!
Back to Morris County Wrestling:
Steve Godine - Dave Standridge: I have had many an opportunity to watch these outstanding young wrestlers. They are just that. Watching Standridge, you realize that he way beyond his years. As a freshman, you can see him listening to every word from his coaches and his father. He’s eager to learn and get better. Watch him wrestle … he is patient, yet smart. He knows to attack and when to make a move. You will see nothing flashy, no showmanship, just a kid that loves to wrestle and is VERY good at it, and only getting better. All of Godine’s losses have come wrestlers going to A.C. Region III – 3rd Standridge (five), Region III Champion Kenny Knapp (David Brearley) and Region IV Champion Mike Demarco (St. Mary’s). When Hofmann says that Godine should be there, I am going to agree, it is a shame he’s not.
Somethings Joe missed:
The most missed coach: Mike Flammer from Parsippany. It was great to finally have a chance to talk with Coach Flammer, hopefully one day he’ll be back.
Most determined ref: Mark Sherman at Region III; For years you see ref throw a lost head gear to the side, but how often do you see a ref throw a shoe? Not any shoe, his own shoe! It was good stuff.
Wrestler on a vengeance: This is the time of year when wresting (and obviously wrestlers) really steps it up a notch. Your year, maybe your wrestling career, are on the line every match. Emotions run high and you have to leave it all on the mat. That’s why what I saw this weekend was even more remarkable. Keith Switzer from Delbarton looked like a man on a mission. I saw first hand at the MCT how tough this kid was when he lost to Herr, but made Herr work for every point. Switzer avenged a first period pin in the Districts and tech’d Anthony Johnstone from Hanover; Then wrestled one of the most exciting matches of the day against Robert Piper from Brearley. I swear I was watching Ali-Frazier in a non-stop action fight.
Region III: You have agree that’s it’s just great how well they run everything there. Four mats, non-stop action and plenty of seating. But when an announcer cannot pronounce Melde correctly, it goes right through me. Although I also never realized that Scotch Plains had dropped the “s” and is now just Scotch PLAIN. (* come one, people bust my chops for my announcing, I just couldn’t resist *). You (or I) had to love the huge three-table set up they have at Union High School for the press. They even have Internet access. Schools that host tournaments/big games should all be as press friendly. H.S. Sports writers are some of the funniest people you’ll ever meet.
It's decided on the mat: I was not the only one that thought Shelomi Hohn was going to walk through the heavyweight bracket, but Bradley Mclaren from Columbia. Mclaren won by forfeit when the two IHC-Iron teams meet earlier in the season. We were all impressed at the MCT when Hohn executed a perfect switch in the finals, not something you see from too many heavyweights. Mclaren was even more agile and it was a very good match, with Mclaren in control, when the Columbia heavyweight pinned Hohn as Hohn tried to escape and failed on a stand to a switch.
Stalemates galore: Ref’s do it right this time of year. I’ve been very lucky. I have seen nothing but great ref’ing all year. But they step it up a notch and make the wrestlers wrestle and use the time. They are quick to call a stalemate and keep the action moving. (unless you’re a Brearley fan) The Bears faithful call stalling and start pounding the bleachers when a wrestler even stops for a second. Guess they’re just used to the Bears’ style of in your face wrestling.
Thanks: To those whose sent emails and stopped me at Union to thank me for the updates. I do this so that kids get more publicity and the “live” stuff so that the fan that cannot make the game has something to keep him/her updated. So, you’re all welcome.
Not going to A.C. – Nope, I am not going. As much as I’d like to, it’s not possible. Maybe next year.
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