Game #2: Kinn v. WMC (4th Q)
FINAL: 58-50 West Morris
0:02 -- H. D'Angelo converts one of two free throws
0:08 -- Prall gets a bucket
0:15 - Tedona hits both free throws from WMC
0:15 -- Kinnelon gets a jump ball and then WMC steals the inbounds
0:22 -- Masterson gets a layup and misses the free throws (55-48 20 seconds left)
0:47 -- H. D'Angelo hits two of two free throws (55-46)
0:47 -- Prall hits a lay up (53-46)
1:11 -- WMC T. Kelly makes both (53-44 under a minute)
1:16 -- Koziol misses both free throws
1:22 -- WMC Ryno hits both free throws 51-44
1:25 -- WMC 49-44
1:25 Parll hits the free throw
1:25 Prall scores on a lay up and is fouled
1:32 left - D'Angelo hits two free throws
==== WMC 47-41 1:37 left =====
K: Masterson hits both; Kinnelon Time out with 1:37 left;
K: Masterson drives and is fouled;
WMC: Ryno is fouled on a rainbow looper near the box, missed the free throw; WMC lads 47-39 (2:17 left)
K: Masterson burries twofree throws (45-39)
WMC: T. Kelly hits 1 of two free throws (45-37) (3:36)
K: Prall hits 1 of two free throws (44-37)
same score 44-36 - 4:37 left (Thanks for reading sean!)
Kinnelon 30 second Time out; 6:03 left
K: Prall hits a three; 44-36 (6:05)
WMC: D'Angelo makes one of two free throws - 44-33 (6:28 left);
K: Prall hits a two 43-33 (7:10 left)
WMC: Ashely Ryno hits a three 20 seconds in; WMC 43-31
end of 3rd;
(1:00 3rd) Massey hits a three; 3rd quarter ends with WMC up 40-31;
(1:36 3rd) Prall hits for 2; 37-31 WMC
Burton gets two hoops and Hayley D'Angelo steals and gets two giving WMC a 37-29 lead with 2 minutes left in teh third;
3rd 3:13 - Kinn Materson nails an NBA 3 and Prall hits for two on a lay up off a Koziol steal.
HALFTIME: WMC 25-15; West Morris holds Kinnelon to 2 points in the second quarter.
End of 1st:
West Morris leads 14-13;
Haley Ryan has 5 for Kinn; Ashley Ryno & Haley D'Angelo both have 4 for WMC
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