Wednesday, February 21, 2007

How do you seed the Regions now?

Here's how it works, no thinking allowed:


  1. Your advancement in the State Tournament in the past (any year, your best year).
  2. You beat someone that advanced last year
  3. You beat someone on the board
  4. Record Percentage (not including duplicate matches - take Standridge/Godine for example, hey wrestled 4 times this year, Standridge winning all four. But that only counts for 1 win, not four, and/or one loss for Godine)
Actual Seeding, take the seeds as is and movement can only occur if:
  1. Multiple matches head-to-head (advantage): A is 2-1 vs. B, yet B is seeded 3 and A is 4, they switch;
  2. Multiple matches head-to-head (even): A and B are 1-1 against each other; most recent gets a higher seed;
  3. Any Round-Robins gets ignored; (A beat B; B beat C; C beat A; those matches are not even considered)

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