Tuesday, November 27, 2007

FREE Santa Letter

FREE Santa Letter

Here’s a good site that I came across - FREE Letter from Santa It’s a great concept, your youngster can write Santa letter, just like Miracle on 34th Street! But instead of the letter sitting in NYC, this letter receives a personalize reply from good ole Saint Nick himself! You have the opportunity to print out the letter for that extra added excitement!

When you go to the site for a FREE Letter from Santa , you will need to provide a few details and write a little message. The more info you give them, the better the letter will be. Then, you will instantaneously receive an email from Santa. When you print the letter, be sure that use a high quality color printer as the graphics are completely professional. They also can send you a printed, personalized letter, but that involves a small charge. It is recommended, in order to get the best results, For Present, please put a sentence to proceed the question "What could it be?" For example "A bike?" or "The doll house you love?"


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