Wrestling appeal (see example in it)
being passed on:
New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association
1161 Route 130 North, PO Box 487 Robbinsville, New Jersey 08691
To: Team Physicians
From: New Jersey Interscholastic Athletic Association
Date: December 7, 2006
Please review the NJSIAA wrestling minimum weight procedure.
The lowest weight class at which a wrestler may compete shall be determined as follows:
1) If the Minimum Wrestling Weight (MWW) as calculated by the NWCA Optimal Performance Calculator (OPC) program, at 7% (boys) or 12% (girls) fat is exactly that of one of the weight classes that shall be the wrestler’s minimum weight class.
2) If the MWW as calculated by the OPC, at 7% (boys) or 12% (girls) body fat falls between two weight classes, he/she must wrestle at the higher weight class.
3) If a wrestler’s body fat is lower than 7% (boys) or 12% (girls) that weight shall be his/her minimum. No other options.
4) With documented parental and physician permission, a wrestler may appeal the MWW and wrestle at the weight class in which his 7%/her 12% predicted weight, less 3% of that weight (not 3% body fat), places him/her. (For example, the result of district site assessment determines that a male wrestler is above 7% body fat and his minimum wrestling weight (MWW) is determined to be 127 lbs. The school physician and parent may apply the 3% (MWW) variance to approve the wrestler to compete at the 125 lb weight class. Three percent of 127 lbs is 3.81 lbs so the wrestlers adjusted (MWW) would be 123.19 lbs.)
5) For a wrestler to use the 3% physician appeal the following form must be completed below and signed by the parent and team physician.
Please refer to the wrestler’s original assessment form when completing the information below:
Wrestler Name __________________________ Wrestler’s School _______________________
Alpha Weight (Weight on date of initial assessment) _____
Alpha Body Fat % (Body Fat recorded on date of initial assessment) ______
Minimum Wrestling Weight (Calculated by OPC on the initial assessment form) ______
Calculate the new MWW with 3% variance: (Original MWW-(MWW.03) = ________
The aforementioned wrestler has my permission to lower his predicted 7% body fat weight by a maximum of 3%.
Parent’s signature _________________________________ Date__________
Physician’s signature _______________________________ Date__________
Once this form is complete and signed by both parties the information should be provided to the school assessor (ATC). The school assessor should enter this assessment data into the appeal section of the NWCA OPC program. The OPC is programmed to recognize the 3% MWW variance. The assessor MUST follow the complete instructions on how to enter the appeal information. The school assessor should obtain the OPC access codes from the Athletic Director. If the Athletic Director does not have the access codes, please contact the Jewel Sellers (609) 259 – 2776 at NJSIAA.
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