Sunday, January 7, 2007

Some night time thoughts ...

Things I think about:

Why did the NJSIAA shorten the Wrestling season? So that the states could be held in A.C.? Because it was running later into Spring Sports? Football goes almost 2 practice weeks into winter sports. By the time those player report, it’s already scrimmage time. I just do not get some things.

Are Wrestling Quads really ruining the sport? We all agree that teams are forced into tri-meets and quads because of the match limit increase. But how do Quads help? They ruin the wrestling atmosphere. In a quad, you cannot announce, there are no Lehigh intro’s. Most schools do not have two people that can work the clocks correctly, so it's just screw up after screw up. Wrestling 3 matches in a day messes up the match ups that we look forward to seeing.

I feel very strongly that these meets are needed late in the season, just before Sectionals and Districts, but why now?

Why are these scores getting through to the Ledger that are just wrong? Teams have been switches, player 1 from home is wrestling player 2 from home? Is it the stat kid calling it in? Using the internet system? Or is it the system? I know this is a small price to pay for results 1 hour later, please, can someone just check these?

How would you like live play by play from the Morris County Wrestling Tournament? Ever tried using your cell phone in the Roxbury gym? Weak signal. Same goes for internet access. Not good. I will have to work something out.

When is someone going to listen to me that the scoreboards at Roxbury need TENTHS of a second? I sat there for two days last year watching MCT matches end 1 second early. Usually it does not change the result, but I can assure you it does. I witnessed three times this past Saturday during the Roxbury-Kinnelon match where the tenths of a second mattered.

I do not want the venue changed. Roxbury has the best parking. It is the best central location that we can use. They can fit the mats. The stands are tight, but that makes it great (except last year when the Delbarton fans (or the people who wanted to see Grey) left after Grey-Galipeau match and the place lost 30% of the fans). The food area is great and they do a great job of controlling entrance and exit.

Top 10 Dual Meet Teams


  1. Mt. Olive (7-0)
  2. Roxbury (5-0)
  3. Jefferson (7-1)
  4. Randolph (5-3)
  5. Madison (5-0)
  6. Morris Knolls (4-2)
  7. Mendham (3-6)
  8. Hanover Park (4-1)
  9. Kinnelon (4-3)
  10. Pequannock (7-2)

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