Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Amazing CTR on PPP

As many of you have noticed, for time to time, I will post various Pay-Per-Post, (referred to as PPP from her on), advertisements throughout the blog and between various coverage and commentary. I guess I should start out by thanking the people interested the materials I have advertised. I choose the material sparingly and try to post only topics or merchandise that I feel my readers will value and maybe interested in. Amazingly, the PPP advertisements have returned a 10.545% average ctr (click through rate). Amazing you ask? About 1 out of 10? YES! You also notice that I have also used click-through ads, like Google Adsense and the return less than 0.5%. That’s less than half a percent. Other click throughs I used are much less than that.

I found the answer today. The people at PPP researched their sponsored posts and calculated that they deliver a 10.545% average ctr.

I had been wondering about the value of the PPP advertisements. Like I said, I only choose the ones that I feel are valuable to my readers, but after looking at the numbers, it is clear that PPP blogs will continue to show up on this blog. It is apparent that this is a valued advertising technique and one that benefits me and my readers. Keep coming back to read about valued high school sports material and be sure to pay special interest to the PPP advertisements that I provide for you.

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