Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Freeze It

A great Athletic Aid: Freeze It Gel

Today’s athletes are constantly waking up with bumps and bruises from grueling practices and games. The high school training room is a busy place, especially when the weather gets cold like it is now. But what about the coaches? Most of us are ex-athletes, heck, some of us still get out there and play competitively on a regular basis. But there always seems to be that nagging aliments that reoccurs and tries to hold us back from doing our best.
Take my good buddy and head Morris Hills Boys Soccer Coach, Coach Rosenberg. This one-time soccer standout at Morris Hills loves to get out on the field and mix it up during practice. The guy awaits the MH Alumni game like it’s Christmas. The man stays in shape. He’ll hit the gym four to five days a week. But low and behold, the ole’ timer’s knees are not what they used to be. There have been numerous occasions where I have met Coach Rosenberg at the gym only to see him limp in, thus limiting his workout capabilities. Not only that, you know that there are times where has to relax while being an active participant in practice drills, for the sole reason of not to aggravate his knees and upper calf. Both have been know to flame up from time to time. With basketball season just days away and Coach Rosenberg’s’ obvious dedication to being a integral part of every practice, you can surely bet that the Scarlet Knight coach would love a year supply of Freeze It Gel, that’s 12 tubes. Freeze It Gel is a topical applicant that just needs to be gently rubbed on the skin surrounding a sore muscle or joint. This is perfect for Coach, as we all know how happy it makes him to display his athletic ability.

What exactly can you use Freeze It
for? This product is great for those sore muscles that develop from strenuous work or even those overworked muscles that are sore those first few days of practice. Freeze It Gel can be applied to any sprained muscle and will definitely benefit the athlete or coach. This is a prefect product for those aching back, shoulder or neck pains that develop from stress, sleeping in an odd position or any athletic activities. Actually, Freeze It works for Arthritis, or any joint pain. You know how old injuries like to act up in this cold and rainy weather. You’ll benefit and be more agile if you use Freeze It
on those painful ankles, knees, hips, shoulders or elbow joints. Strained a muscle? Freeze It Gelis the perfect applicant to help get you to your optimal playing level.
Freeze Itis a topical applicant that once applied, helps rejuvenate the affected muscle. This is a great product to aid any rehab process as well as a perfect addition to the cool down period that many of us tend to neglect. By applying Freeze It Gel, you will get a cooling feeling and experience immediate results.
There are also times when you are having trouble sleeping due to tight muscles, or even experience headaches from muscle tension. Simply apply Freeze It Gel to the tight or affected area and a better night

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